Internet Libraries


That is what everyone finds linked data to be.

For everyone who is living under a rock, a lot of people are upset over Facebook making changes. I can understand why, since for a lot of people (myself included) it’s one of the most important sources of information, so it needs to be reliable. If the telephone book changed formats all the time back in the day, that would also have been an issue.

The funny thing is that what seems to upset people the most is the idea that their interests and activities were not only linked to other people with those same interests, but actually turned into linked data. So, you actually automatically followed any of your interests or activities that had Facebook pages and got information that should be of interest to you automatically generated.

Maybe it’s just me, but I found that really helpful. Yes, you have to clean up your metadata, but welcome to the world of information. I wonder if people are so freaked out by this because it’s new, or because it genuinely unsettles them? This makes me think that my future forays into linked data might not be seen as the cool service I’m imagining it would be.

Guess I’ll just have to be more transparent than Facebook in explaining the benefits to the users and how privacy will be protected.