
Recent Presentations

I don’t have the files or correct metadata yet, but if nothing else, a placeholder for a few recent conference appearances. My online CV in all its manifestations is pretty ugly.

At IACRL 2012, I co-presented with Ariel Orlov and Ken Orenic “Creating Pedagogically Meaningful Work  for Student Workers”. I moderated and talked about Library Labs, about which you will see quite a bit more soon. We say: give people interesting work to do and train them accordingly, and you won’t regret it.

Also at IACRL I talked about technical implementation of consortial institutional repositories in “Say You Want An Institutional Repository” with Caroline Sietmann, Jacob Hill, and Julie Wroblewski. My advice: DSpace, you can do it! (But you might not want to.) (See recent posting to dspace-tech if you doubt me).

On a totally different track, I appeared on the Grown Homeschoolers Panel at InHome Conference. This is a panel I once attended as a teenager and found really helpful. (The conference is for non-religious homeschoolers). There were mostly parents there, and as the one person who was old enough to be graduated from college with a master’s degree and doing a normal-ish job and life trajectory, I think I was very reassuring to them. My main message was: no one else will even remember or care 10 years on who went to school where.

These all were, by the way, within two days of each other. I napped a lot after this.